– For the third time this year, ultra-nationalists and fascists have once again
organised national mobilisations, most of them in public city squares. With
actual Nazis at the core of the organising, the Reclaim Australia crew with its
United Patriots Front split off (RA/UPF) are of the view that they are onto a
winner with their formula of hatred, ostensibly directed at anyone associated
with the Islamic religion, but also with what they regard as “communism”. While
RA/UPF have not yet become accepted into the political mainstream, this is yet
a danger, with the founding of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA). Geert
Wilders, the Dutch fascist known for his extreme anti-Islamic views, recently
visited Perth to help launch the ALA. The “Slackbastard” anti-fascist online
blog describes the ALA as “Islamophobia for the (upper) middle class”, given
that one of the founders is a millionaire surgeon, along with his partner who
heads the Q Society. The Q Society appears to be an attempt to give a cultural
spin to anti-Islamic vitriol.
The at
times inarticulate and ludicrous claims of RA/UPF, such as the claim that
Australia is in danger of implementing Sharia Law, often leads to RA/UPF
attracting and mobilising layers of the most politically backward, the most
politically disenfranchised and the most disadvantaged. However, their
ultra-nationalism also allows them to draw in small sections of disillusioned
workers, and unfortunately some Union members. These workers and some Union
members see no one standing up for “Australians”, feel betrayed by all
politicians participating in or profiting from the breakdown of the economy
while the banks reel in billions of dollars, which relentlessly drives up the
cost of living. Along comes the RA/UPF waving the Australian flag, blaming
“Islam” for everything under the sun, and everything (for them) falls into
Left: A familiar
broadcasted photo of an ISIS beheading. Although such images may well be
fake, other beheadings and other atrocities have been carried out by all
wings of ISIS and other jihadist mercenaries in Iraq and Syria. Fascist
groups such as Reclaim Australia ignore Western backing for the
mercenaries, blaming it all on “Islam”. Unfortunately, some left parties
also deny the extent of US/Saudi/Turkish/Israeli backing for the jihadists,
and laud them as “revolutionaries”. Hence Reclaim Australia concludes that
the “left” backs murderous fanatic barbarians. In fact, others on the left
have steadfastly defended Syria from imperialist assault, and have never
extended support to jihadists. Photo from the 4th Media
the irrationality of RA/UPF, there is unfortunately a material reason why such
an incipient fascist movement sprung into existence at this particular time.
Along with the general breakdown of the capitalist economy, which has been in
recession since 2008, 2014 saw the widespread exposure of the role of ISIS (the
so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria), and its promotion by the Western
corporate media. The grotesque brutality of beheadings filmed and posted on
social media by ISIS, is part of what caused automatic revulsion across the
world. Yet this is exactly what it was meant to do. ISIS is almost entirely a
creation of the US led war on Syria, and to a large extent is armed, funded and
trained by the US and its allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and coordinated
with Israel and Turkey. Their aim is the overthrow of Syria in the manner of
Libya, which may then soften the ground for an assault against Iran. Russia and
China remain the biggest targets of the crazed US imperialists. But the beheadings
of ISIS were used by the US and their allies to rally their domestic
populations behind yet another war, where the blame could be placed squarely on
“Islam”. If “Islam” is founding a “state” and waging a brutal war to establish
a “state” which could expand across previously recognised borders, then surely
“we” have to go to war against it.
Such a
ruse worked for the US for a short period of time. In recent months, however,
the game has changed with the intervention of Russia militarily supporting the Syrian
government, by actually taking out ISIS targets. It was a tactical
masterstroke, as President Vladimir Putin called for an international
coalition, like the coalition against Hitler and the Nazis, to defeat ISIS. The
US could not then intervene to save its creation ISIS, without totally exposing
itself. For now, Russia and their allies Syria, Iran and Hezbollah have struck
damaging blows against US imperialism and its plans. One wonders what the
Australian troops currently in Iraq and Syria are actually doing. As pro-US as
their leadership may be, they would hardly dare take on the might of Russia.
political mistake of RA/UPF, apart from their disposition towards fascism, is
that they appear not recognise the extent to which ISIS was a creation of the
US state, along with the UK and France and backed by Canberra. For RA/UPF, ISIS
was ISIS because they were “Islamic”. Hence, in their minds “Islam” is the
enemy which needs to be vanquished. However, there was an echo on the left of
the non-recognition of the US state’s role in the creation of ISIS. Some left
parties, fresh from their backing of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Libya under the
guise of opposing Colonel Gaddafi as a “dictator”, shifted to back some of the
same groups in Syria, again under the guise of opposing President Assad as a
“dictator”. More than this, they hailed the NATO armed and funded jihadists
fighting to overthrow Libya and Syria as “revolutionaries”. That is, they
bestowed on barbaric mercenaries the highest honour and title that the left
awards. Whether they realise their role in justifying yet another US led war on
sovereign countries is immaterial. The fact is, in a small way, such left
parties have both done the bidding of the imperialists they claim to oppose,
while also contributing to the emergence of RA/UPF, against which they now have
to organise counter-rallies.
example, take this statement from the Socialist Alliance (SAll), the publishers
of the newspaper Green Left Weekly,
dated June 19, 2014. Ostensibly released in opposition to the suggestion of
Australia sending troops to Iraq to counter ISIS, SA comes behind an “uprising”
against the then Iraqi President Nuri Al-Maliki, even if such an “uprising”
includes ISIS. It states:
“….. ISIL [or ISIS] is only one element in
a broader Sunni tribal rebellion against the brutal repression and
discrimination inflicted on the local population in Iraq's north by the
US-backed Maliki regime in Baghdad. Horrific images of what appear to be mass
extra-judicial killings by the Sunni insurgents must be seen in the context of
the Maliki regime's repression that preceded it.”[1]
there in black and white. SAll has few qualms in backing ISIS, seeing them as
only one part of a “Sunni tribal rebellion” against the then Iraqi President
Maliki, who was in fact at that point losing
US support, rather than being “US backed”, for moving too close to US foe Iran.
US pressure did in fact force Maliki to step down, aided in a small part by SAll.
But the clincher is the part where SAll asks us to see “mass extra-judicial
killings”, i.e. beheadings by “insurgents” of which ISIS form a part, “in the
context” of a legitimate uprising. If we should back an “uprising” by Sunni
fundamentalists which includes ISIS in Iraq, it’s a small step to back an
“uprising” by Sunni fundamentalists which includes ISIS in Syria. Although SAll
of course has no written position backing ISIS, the fact is they advocate and
share the same aims of ISIS – “regime change” in the secular Syrian Arab
left group Socialist Alternative (SAlt) has been the most vocal in opposing the
“Assad regime”, while continuing to deny that the US aim in the war is regime
change. They have also repeatedly denied the extent of material US support for
all mercenary groups in Syria, referring to them as “rebels” and the
“opposition”. An article in SAlt’s newspaper Red Flag in June this year states:
“The new flow of arms to the rebels [i.e.
from Saudi Arabia and Turkey], and the dramatic shift that has resulted on the
battlefield, in fact gives the lie to the claim that the opposition have been
armed by outside powers all along. If they had been, Assad would be long gone.
What we are now seeing is what happens when both sides of the conflict have
substantial outside backing: the rebels make stunning gains, and the regime is
isolated and faces growing dissent among its own supporters.”[2]
referred to previously, the balance of power has since decisively shifted
against the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their proxy “rebel” mercenaries, with
the intervention of the Russian military. Yet SAlt has been steadfast in their
demands for military support for the Syrian “opposition”, regardless of whether
they carry out beheadings, or mass “scorched earth” practices against Syrian
civilians, as long as they oppose the “Assad regime”. This is blatant backing
of US imperialism. In fact, SAlt had been previously known for flying a banner
emblazoned with “Smash US Imperialism” in oversized letters. Needless to say,
this banner has not been seen in SAlt contingents for the duration of this war.
It is
an open secret that the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel have either armed,
funded, trained or actively supported ALL terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria.[3] Ground breaking US
investigative journalist Seymour Hersh also exposed the “rat line” of US backed
weapons flowing from Libyan mercenaries to Syrian mercenaries, as well as the
staged chemical attack on the town of Ghouta on August 21, 2013.[4] But for left parties such
as SA and SAlt, none of this is occurring. What is occurring, according to
them, is a mass popular revolutionary movement in Syria. Not even the US ruling
class believes this – they had to import the mercenaries, 80% of whom originate
from 83 different non-Syrian countries.[5]
the appearance of the “left” openly backing “Islamic” military groups in Syria
has fuelled the formation of RA/UPF. In fact, other left parties, and
solidarity groups such as Hands Off Syria, have steadfastly defended Syria
against US/Israeli/Saudi/Turkish assault, and have extended no political
support to any Wahabist, Salafist or other branches of fundamentalist Islam.
Syria today is in fact secular and multi-religious, and moreover, independent of
the US dominated world order. This is a major reason why it has been targeted.
It is
true that the formation of RA/UPF can’t be reduced entirely to the war on Syria.
It is also a response to the years, indeed decades, of assault on the living
conditions of working people. This crucial factor was already in abundance
before the US led war on Syria broke out. Yet, it is apparent that the current
multi-theatre wars (Syria, Ukraine) are also a result of the paralysing
economic crisis capitalism finds itself in, and is a major driving factor.
After all, all attempts at restarting production in the US, Europe, Japan and
Australia have essentially failed. As crazy as it seems to working people, the
imperialists are willing to go to war to address falling rates of profit.
repulsive as the virulent racism and vitriolic hatred which spews forth from
RA/UPF is, it cannot be reduced to a lack of reasoning or rational thought on
their behalf - though for this there is much evidence. Ultra-nationalism, and
its attendant fascism, is a distorted expression of capitalism – private
production for private profit - in rapid decay, combined with the distinct lack of a strong left wing political
leadership. The fantastic and lurid
claims of RA/UPF, such as that Australia is at risk of implementing Sharia Law,
have emerged in no small part due to the lack of a left-wing class struggle
movement, not to speak of the lack of an effective trade union movement AND the
lack of an effective socialist party. The mainstream political parties have
long abandoned workers, and trade union leaders have invariably done the same.
Into this political vacuum steps “Reclaim Australia".
the tasks to defeat the scourge of RA/UPF led fascism are threefold. Firstly,
any attempted mobilisation of a racist/fascist/ultra-nationalist character must
be met by a loud and determined united-front counter mobilisation of all
progressive political shades in society. While anti-fascist mobilisations
should aim to draw in those from a social-democratic background, the political
action and outlook must not be subordinated to liberal opposition. The aim
should be to confront and, if possible, remove, all fascist groups from all
public space. The presence of fascists publicly organising poses a physical
threat to workers, migrants, Muslims, people of colour, leftists, Trade
Unionists, gays and lesbians and others. The recent example of Greece, where
migrants and anti-fascists have been beaten by gangs of Golden Dawn thugs is a
stark reminder. This is why they cannot be ignored with the hope that they will
workers must seek to mobilise Unions in opposition to the rise of fascism.
Unions are likely to be the first target of a victorious fascist movement, as
was the case in Nazi Germany. It is not just for the moral issue – Unions will not even be able to defend
themselves as organisations if they do not contribute to the defeat of fascism.
Indeed, politically active Unions will be crucial for this battle. An obstacle
that will be encountered is the overt nationalism of most Union leaders and
officials. Their material interests lead them to defend “Australia” – by which
they mean their own overpaid positions. Workers and supporters of Unions can
position such officials, however, to drag them into the struggle against the
and perhaps most importantly, workers and leftists need to counter the
ultra-nationalism of the fascists by using international solidarity with the
workers and the oppressed of the world, in a concrete way by opposing the very
real imperialism of the Australian ruling class, which ties itself by a
thousand threads to US imperialism. This means using all means necessary to
oppose US/AUS led wars, in Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere. This will then also
undermine imperialist armed proxy forces such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and thus
undermine the basis for the wild Islamophobia of the ultra-nationalists. To
permanently defeat fascism, workers will need to carry out their historic task
of overthrowing the rule of capital by establishing a socialist republic
comprised of workers’ councils, politically led by those most committed to our
class. For workers’ victory over fascism!
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